St. Paul's Church, Rugeley

Sharing God's Love - a place where you matter

Location Map of St. Paul's Rugeley

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Regnal meetings take place in the lounge at St. Paul's every Monday evening, except bank holidays, at 7.30pm from September to June.

Regnal meetings commence with a hymn and a prayer, followed by a short business section. A speaker will then talk on a topic of interest, or some other suitable activity will be organised. This will be followed by refreshments when there is a time for fellowship and a chat with friends and the meeting closes at approximately 9.00pm.

During the year there are some inter-circle meetings with Chasetown Regnal Circle. These include visits to places of interest, an annual bowls match and an annual dinner. The Annual Conference, held at Swanwick in Derbyshire is an important event in the Regnal calendar.

Gentlemen of any faith, or none, who feel they would enjoy the fellowship that Regnal offers, please come along and you will be made very welcome.

Upcoming Events