St. Paul's Church, Rugeley

Sharing God's Love - a place where you matter

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Recent Activities

Here we have descriptions and pictures of activities that have recently taken place.

On Sunday 8th May we held a Coronation Service which included a strawberry tea and some entertainment. It was a huge success and enjoyed by all.



Musical 26th March at St Paul's

The Crucifixion (a musical setting by John Stainer 1840-1901)

Another wonderful musical time at St Paul's in the lead up to Easter by the Hawkesyard Singers with Roger Betteron (Tenor), David Kaye (Bass) and Kat Farn (Organ), directed by Stephen Carleston. A beautiful performance which we were allowed to join in with. Well done all!! and thanks to David Henshaw who organised both events.

Saturday Morning Music 18th March at St Paula

From Debussy to The Hippopotamus song and including songs of the musicals to Irish comic songs, it all made a wonderful musical experience and featured our guest artists: Stephen Carleston on the Organ and Pauline Prichards on the piano, Michael Taylor, Baritonand Jane Bond, Soprano. There was beautiful Organ music and piano music at there was something for everyone and also a chance to sing along!

The concert was for donations in aid of Methodist Homes (MHA) who are this year celebrating their 80 years anniversary. Their care includes residential, nursing or dementia care that you or your loved one requires.


" On the 7th December 2022 St Paul's Church hosted a Concert by the Salavation Army "



" On Saturday the 5th November at 10am - " Toys For Free "



" On Saturday the 15th October at 12nn - " Ploughman's Lunch "


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* Celebrated the United Reformed Church 50th Anniversary

"On Sunday the 9th October we celebrated the United Reformed Church 50th Anniversary"


* Harvest Supper

"On Saturday the 24th September at 7pm -  "Harvest Supper, Your favourite Fish and Chips"


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